Saturday 1 March 2014


SDC Chennai has released new Sanchaya Post version 7.5 adding various new features and it is being installed at POs concerned. The various salient features of new version downloaded from SDC Chennai website are furnished below for the information of all.
Added Features in Sanchay Post version 7.5:
Ø  Provision for updating Aaadhar ID for all schemes
Ø  NSC IX Online & Data entry module
Ø  FTO Processing
Enhancement of existing requirements:
Ø  Data Entry Module for certificates such as KVP, NSC VIII and NSC IX issue
Ø  Modifications in SCS accounts extension
Detailed Features
1)    Provision to enter AADHAR ID for all new accounts in online module for all schemes.
2)    Option to link AADHAR ID for all the existing accounts through Data Entry Module.
3)    Option to link AADHAR ID for all SO accounts in HO through SOSB online & SOSB DE module.
4)    Existing Aadhar Id details will be copied from UIDAI table and will be updated in corresponding tables containing account holder details for all the schemes. This is done at the time of DB up gradation for Sanchay post 7.5.
5)    Validating the uniqueness of AADHAR ID entered while account opening.
6)    ‘SP - Link Aadhaar Number’ tool available in SDC webpage not to be used for updating AADHAR ID henceforth.
1)    10 year NSC IX issue was introduced in the year 2011 and handled by Post Offices manually till date.

2)    NSC IX Online and Data entry module has been incorporated in this version. This version incorporates the provision for issuing NSC IX certificates online, encashment of certificates and other activities such as Nomination facility, Premature closure, Pledge, Duplicate, Tfr from person to person, Tfr from PO to PO , Bulk Acceptance and Enquiry. (like  NSC and KVP).
FTO Process:
The following processes related to FTO are handled in Sanchay Post Version 7.5
1.    FTO received with invalid PO Code.
2.    FTO held up due to mismatch of POCode between Sanchay Post and FTO.
3.    Partial processing of FTOs ie Processing of FTOs for which funds were received.
4.    Rejecting FTO without processing in case of duplicate, non-receipt of funds, missent and exceeding range of account numbers.
Data Entry Module of Certificates:
1.    A data entry module for KVP/NSC/ NSC IX certificates issued manually. The features of this data entry tool are Issue of certificates, initialization of account number and nomination number and Certificate stock maintenance.
2.    Certificates already issued manually and not available in stock register alone should be entered in stock register before performing data entry.
SCSS - Extension
1.    Calculation of interest at prevailing rate as on date of extension for SCSS accounts during extension.

2.    In case of SCS extended accounts opened as transfer-in after completion of one year (from date of maturity), extended period withdrawals could not be entered in Version 7.0. A provision to extend such accounts and enabling them to enter extended period withdrawals is provided in this version.

3.    As per POSB rule, amount of deposit should not be withdrawn from SCS accounts as ‘excess withdrawal’ due to death of one of the joint holders. So, SCS Excess Withdrawal form has been removed. And, if principal has already been reduced for SCS accounts and the same is extended, interest calculation for extended period is wrong and that has been rectified in this version.

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