Monday 30 December 2013

Opening of Savings Accounts in rural areas

भारतीय डाक विभाग
प्रवर अधीक्षक का कार्यालय, पालक्काड मंडल ,पालक्काड- 678001
Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices,
Palakkad Division, Palakkad 678001.
Phone No : 0491-2544740 , 2545850, 2548400 Fax-0491-2546315.

No. L1/SB/GL/Target dated at Palakkad 678001 the 26.12.2013

 Sub:  Opening of Savings Accounts in rural areas

Revenue enhancement by all means forms the objective in every institutions.  And we are also on the path of increasing the revenue to compensate the expenditure under various core including the salary.  As all of us are aware that  Project Arrow is a project in infrastructure up gradation under “Look and Feel” and we are completing the project in a phased manner.  In the country as a whole Department had spent a considerable amount for the purpose and now  the Department have to show the return on investment under this project to the Ministry of Finance and Planning Commission.  That is why targets under various heads are being allotted to offices.

The SB revenue is based on the number of live accounts under various category such as SB/RD/TD/MIS etc.  In the recent days and in the past also, we have conducted Melas and Drives all over the division and a considerable number of SB account could be opened.  A note worthy office is Coyalmanna S.O where under the leader ship of the SPM Shri. M.N. Nandakumar 3236 No of accounts could be opened.  He also proposed to conduct another SB Mela in a school exclusively for children anticipating more than 1000 accounts.   This is very credible, inspiring  and also emulating. I congratulate the SPM and his team for this achievement.

On the contrary every office should assess on their own the number of accounts in all category of SB closed in every month and ensure whether it commensurate with the number of accounts opened. If it tallies,   even then there should be an enhancement of 40% in the opening of new accounts to position our status and balance the revenue.  This should always be kept in mind.  This kind of analysis  in all walks of business in an office will help the office to keep  under profit. 

An analytical review on the performances of the Division shows that most of the offices have not even achieved 50% of the proportionate target so far and hence the following instruction are issued for guidelines and further action.

·         A  periodical meeting with the staff after analyzing the number of accounts closed and opened each month under your office – have a discussion on the subject with all staff including the BO staff – ascertain their opinion/suggestion and devise a strategy to balance the account so as to make your office under profit.

·         Conduct meeting of RD Agents under your office and appraise them the need to increase the number.  Every month each agent should be given a target for opening of new account.

·         Maintain a rapport with the Local Self Government Authorities and also try to associate with various self help groups and any need of banking arises for them, the feature of minimum balance to be maintained and also transaction of small amounts which is entertained by us under the Small Savings can be made known to them.

·         Coduct SB drive in schools with the help of HM/PTA

These exercises may be kept in mind for the targets assigned to each office in this division, and evaluate your position keeping in mind the duration of days left ahead and achieve your goals.  The leadership is in you, and the  only thing is that has to be geared up.  Wishing one and all in  your office  a Happy  and prosperous New Year.

Senior Superintendent of Pos
Palakkad Division 

Copy to:  All Inspecting officers/Palakkad Division


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