Wednesday 23 October 2013

Despatch of international registered articles with ADC


All Departmental Offices
Palakkad Division

No. G/ Mail/129/3  dlg dated at Palakkad the 22.10.2013

Sub:  Despatch of international registered articles with ADC

CO has directed to instruct all the officials at the booking counter of POs to insist the attachment of ADC certificate ( Anti Drug Control Certificate) and IE code (Import and Export code) with an international article that contains herbal/ homeo medicines / samples. 

This information is very important for the smooth processing by the Customs Authorities while scanning the articles.  Due to non availability of these certificates the international articles are rejected by the Customs and returned to sender.  The requirement of the certificate may suitably be displayed in the public counter also for information of the customers.  Counter booking staff of your office may be instructed suitably.   

   प्रवर अधीक्षक डाकघर
Sr. Superintendent of Post Offices

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