Sunday 20 October 2013


प्रवर अधीक्षक का कार्यालय, पालक्काड मंडल ,पालक्काड- 678001

Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices,
Palakkad Division, Palakkad 678001.
Phone No : 0491-2544740 , 2545850, 2548400 Fax-0491-2546315.

All Pos in Palakkad Division

No.MS/SB/KYC/CDD dated at Palakkad 678001 the 19 -10-2013

Sub: Implementation and Strict compliance of AML/CFT norms in small savings.reg.

As You are all aware that  Anti Money Laundering (AML) /Combating of financing of Terrorism (CFT) norms are applicable for small savings schemes. Recently Regional office have observed while scrutinizing the statements on the subject many post offices are not fully compliant the instructions laid down and thereby such office become Partial Compliant Offices.

By way of collecting the KYC documents for savings bank and remittance services, the AML/CFT norms are being monitored and implemented in the offices.

The ID and Address Proofs for all financial and remittance transactions as per the limits prescribed, need to be preserved for 10 years after the Financial Transactions.  (S.O. lr.SB/15-1/Stt/2011 dated 09.07.2012 refers)

Many of the Post Offices are lacking the following Compliance:

·          Photos/Documents not attested by self/gazette officers

·         SB order 18/2010, it was intimated that for further accounts opened at the same post office, the BPM/SPM/PM is required to put remark in red ink on the new account opening form as “KYCD already taken and Verified”.  But such a declaration clause is not recorded in the application.  The account number is simply noted with or without the signature of the SPM.  The above shortcomings will push the post office to the status of PARTIAL COMPLIANCE in the implementation of AML/CFT Norms.

Vide the SB order, it was intimated that SPM must write “KYCD Taken” under the Photo pasted in the SS Book with dated signature.  The same is also not seen recorded in the application.

The SOs should insists the collection of documents/and recording in the relevant record at their office also.

Thereby, all Post Offices are requested to ensure that the above instructions are complied with in its letter and spirit.

Senior Superintendent of Pos
Palakkad Division.

Copy to:
The Inspecting Officers .  They are requested to note this aspect during their course of inspection/Visits to the Post Office and mention a  note on the subject in their  IR/VR. 

Senior Superintendent of Pos
Palakkad Division

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